Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Game Shows and Best Coast

I spent my formative years in Illinois. And Illinois in the summer is hot. And humid. I mean, seriously hot and humid, which means you do two things during the summer:
1) Go to the water park
No one does water parks like the Midwest. This is an actual picture of my local neighborhood pool.
2) Stay inside in the air conditioning.

On days I wasn't floating around the lazy river at Splash Country, my sister and I were watching game shows. No, watching isn't really a strong enough word. We were practicing for our shot at the game show title. It started at 9:00am with Price is Right. Sue Bee Honey? $2.19, you idiot! During the showcase we would each total up the prizes in our heads then compare to see who was closest. We were good.  Then we moved on to reruns of $10,000 or $25,000 or $100,000 Pyramid (whichever happened to be on). This was were the practice really started. We'd mute the TV then one of us would sit with our back to the TV and the other would give clues. We'd try to beat the people on the show. We usually did.

An egg! Your knuckles! A joke! Skulls of idiots who make terrible guesses!

When we moved to California, we discover that Pat Sayjak was one of the investors for my parents' summer camp. That meant Alissa couldn't go on Wheel of Fortune. Which was really a shame, because she's super good. Like 1-letter-on-the-board good. On the upside, my parents now have an autographed photo of Pat and Vanna in there house. In college I went to a taping of the Price is Right. It was everything I hoped for an more. Bob Barker is hysterical off camera, Barker's Beauties' dresses are just as awesome in person, and the set is just as colorful as you'd expect. Unfortunately, I didn't get to "Come on down!" but that was probably good for CBS because I would have cleaned up. And I didn't really need a dining room set.

This week's hot jam is Boyfriend by Best Coast. If I had a nickel for every time I've said, "That guy should be my boyfriend" (seriously or otherwise) I would be swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck.
I've mostly recently said it in reference to NASA's new golden boy, Bobak Ferdowsi and the boy I see riding a fat tire bike around town and The Lonely Man and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Maybe if I sent them all the video, they would get the hint?

Or this comic from A Softer World?


  1. My summer game show memory is of Family Feud. The only air conditioner we had was in my parent's room. After my dad went to work the night shift, my sister and I would set up our blankets and pillows at the foot of Mom's bed and we would stay up late watching Ray Combs. I still think of those nights when I snuggle into my air conditioner-cooled sheets.

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