Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Soap Operas and Luke Bryan

Fact: I am a TERRIBLE sick person. Some people are good at functioning while under-the-weather. I am not one of those people. Not only that, but I feel guilty about being sick. It's a double whammy on my soul. So, friends, just know if I ask you to get me a ginger ale, I feel really bad about it.

Anyway, last week I had strep throat. I haven't had strep in a really long time, (but it was just as miserable as I remembered.) Thank goodness for antibiotics, amirite? By day 3 I had watched more PBS specials than I care to admit, in addition to a whole host of shows and movies on Netflix and Hulu. So I was going a little stir crazy and was thisclose to starting the telenovelas on Hulu. (Did you know Hulu has a Spanish channel?)

For example:

La Tempestad is about who cares? Look at those guys.

Hand to face contact in novelas is unmatched.

Novelas are great because I only understand about every 5th word (Thanks a lot, high school Spanish) but I can still generally figure out what is going on. Also there is a lot of stage slapping and that is fantastic.

When I was in college Days of Our Lives was my go to soap opera (of the English-language variety).

I scheduled my classes around DoOL. You better believe I didn't have class from 2 to 3. (Sorry, calculus, I'm busy.)  I love that they so frequently change the actors, like no one will notice.

Phillip 1: Brandon Tyler
Phillip 2: Jay Kenneth Johnson
Phillip 3: Kyle Brandt (of Real World fame!)
Phillip 4: Jay Kenneth Johnson (Yes, the same one.)

They didn't even look the same!

Any time you are feeling overwhelmed, you should stop whatever you are going and watch some soap operas. Your life could be so much worse. You could be in a coma while your evil twin is seducing your husband and simultaneously running your dead-but-actually-just-in-hiding dad's business into the ground. It's all about perspective, people.

First of all, can we talk about Luke Bryan's teeth? They are very white. Second, I'm only moderately ashamed of my love for pop-country. It's just so catchy! And Crash My Party is no exception. So sorry if you are a "I like all music. Except country." person.

Girls who say they don't worry about whether it's okay to call a boy they are newly dating are lying. We all worry about that, (and you can't convince me otherwise.) So boys, if you want to win a girl over, just tell her it's okay to call you call you call you.

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