Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Doctor Who and The Waitresses

I like a lot of nerdy stuff. I have two favorite scientists: Nikola Tesla and Niels Bohr, I’m looking for a good book about the Roanoke Island colony (if you know of any, please let me know), I want an SEM image for my kitchen wall, and I love Doctor Who.

For those who haven’t had the opportunity to watch this BBC show, it’s about a time traveling humanoid alien called The Doctor (no first or last name) who speeds around the time and space fighting aliens and saving civilization.

My favorite things about Doctor Who are:

1. David Tennant- the second incarnation of The Doctor (in the new series.) He’s adorable and he plays the bumbling Englishman perfectly. (Even though he is actually from Scotland, and in the show from the planet Gallifrey).

2. The effects- There are a lot of special effects in Doctor Who and none of them are particularly high tech. And that’s what I love about it. While I’ve never seen the original version of Doctor Who, I suspect it looks, effect-wise, exactly like the new one. The prosthetics are amazing, but they look like something out of sci-fi movie from the 70s. I like the effects for the same reason I prefer the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to the remake. I like that there is a TV studio somewhere with part of spaceship in it, and there is a room somewhere full of alien masks.CGI just isn't the same.

3. The TARDIS- The Doctor's means of time/space travel. It's made to look like a police phone box and it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside (Who needs physics?). I love that he doesn't use a flying saucer or an invisible jet (I'm looking at you, Wonder Woman). It's completely unassuming, much like The Doctor himself. And thanks to the TARDIS The Doctor and his companions can speak and understand alien languages.

I've always liked I Know What Boys Like by The Waitresses. It's a  sort of New Wave girl-power song. But I didn't really know anything about the band. I expected a sort of Blondie meets Flock of Seagulls type thing: sexy with weird hair. So I was surprised to find that The Waitresses were not only not a girl band but also utterly unsexy. Not unsexy in an "oh man, the 80s were not a flattery time for fashion" but in just general unsexiness. I guess you learn something new everyday.

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