Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hot Showers and Bryan Adams

I take obscenely hot showers. I turn the water to "scalding hot" then turn it back a smidge to "barely not scalding" and get in. When I get out of the shower I'm neon pink. I'm not sure when I developed this affinity for boiling myself on a regular basis, but nevertheless I do it everyday.

I think I do my best thinking in the shower. Maybe all that steam cleans all the stuff out of my head? In fact, I wrote most of this blog in the shower. Or at least outlined in my head. Remember these bathtubs crayons that you could write on the bathtub/shower walls with? I think they are made out of soap.

I had a blue one when I was little and I remember my mom getting mad because it wouldn't come off the bathtub, even though that was its intended purpose. Anyway, I need one of those now. Maybe they've made them easier to remove in the past 15 years. I make lists all the time. For everything. And most of the time those lists come to me in the shower. It would be really great to be able to write them down somewhere. Or maybe I should just keep at Rite-in-the-Rain notebook in my shower. That could be a new marketing idea for them!

Do you think the boiling water and high humidity of my shower counts as "All Weather"?

I heard the tail-end of this song on my way to work this morning and I found myself disappointed that I didn't hear the whole thing. Ah Bryan Adams, that Canadian pop star knew what he was doing. Reading over a list of his songs, practically every last one sounds like something that should/would be played at a wedding reception. You can't tell me you haven't danced to Summer of '69 or (Everything I Do) I Do It For You at a reception somewhere along the way. Good planning Bryan Adams, you are probably making a ton in royalties. Not to mention his songs play on the radio ALL THE TIME.

I had never seen the video for Heaven before and I was not disappointed. It's awesome in all its 80's glory. Great hair, great tight jeans, and a deep underlying theme: Bryan Adams is cooler than drunk drivers. MADD would approve.

1 comment:

  1. I never had shower crayons, but I'm pretty sure I was missing out. I didn't even know they existed. Suddenly my childhood is seeming a little darker.
