Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Porch Sitting and Something Corporate

A teacher once told me that only boring people are ever bored. I can't even remember the last time I was bored, so I must be an incredibly exciting person, right?

It's more likely that I'm never bored because I like really boring things. I can sit for a million hours doing nothing and not get bored. One of the dull things I really love is porch sitting. It's exactly what it sounds like, hanging out on a porch, preferably sitting in a rocking chair or porch swing. I know, I'm 90 years old.

Porch sitting often combines some of my favorite things: people watching, reading, drinking lemonade, watching thunderstorms, etc. When I was living in Wyoming, all of the buildings had fabulous giant porches, great for eating breakfast on a Saturday morning or relaxing after work. I could have sat out there all day.

According to people who know about this sort of thing, rocking is a sign of schizophrenia. Is loving rocking chairs a precursor to rocking without a chair, and thus a precursor to schizophrenia?

Speaking of rocking, this week's hot jam is If You C Jordan by Something Corporate. The late 90's to early-mid 00's produced a lot of what I like to call "punk for the masses." Boy bands were on their way out and rock was on its way in. Power pop and pop punk bridged that gap and made punk music accessible for even the most devout boy band lovers. Don't pretend like you didn't rock out to Good Charlotte (or any number of other similar bands) a time or two. Pop punk is fast, catchy, and unlike more traditional punk songs, most of the time you can understand the words and sing along, which is why it was such a hit. The lyrics spoke to a whole generation of teenagers, with songs about stickin' it to the man, fighting with friends and parents, unrequited love, and even tougher issues like death. Pop punk provided a little something for everyone. At least for awhile.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I still listen to a lot of the same music I did in high school. Okay, I listened to some pretty bad music then, but I listened to some pretty good stuff too, which is probably why I still bust out the old scratched CDs occasionally. One of the CDs that never disappoints me is Something Corporate's Leaving Through the Window. I love every song on the album, but If You C Jordan is one of my favorites. It's everything you ever wanted to say to that jerk who went to your high school. Best part: Jordan was the name of the actual jerk that went to Andrew McMahon's high school. (Click here if you want to read about it)

Andrew McMahon is an amazing piano player. I've seen him perform a few times and it's always awesome. Even standing on the piano keys (literally) and jumping up and down he can still make it sound like the song. If that's not hot jam worthy I don't know what is.

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