Wednesday, March 2, 2011

here goes nothing

In order to help keep a positive attitude in the face of substitute teaching (which, let's face it, sucks for everyone involved) I've decided to write about my favorite things each week. I'm hoping that this will help me see the little things in life that keep me sane. These are in no particular order.

So here we go. This weeks favorite thing is...

Obituaries. Okay I realize this is a weird place to start, but obituaries really are one of my favorite things. I've always had pretty neutral feelings about death; it is, after all, one of the few constants in life. I'm nosy. Maybe even super nosy and obituaries provide a look into other people's lives. I consider myself a connoisseur of obituaries and I think these things make for a great obit.

1. Old photos. I love seeing high school photos of 90 year olds. Unless you live to be 100+ you should use your high school year book photo. If you do live to be 100+, use a current photo. That's damn impressive and you should show it off.

2. Odd details. Something like, "Betty loved to garden, collect glass bells, and, in her younger days, race hot rods. At age 18, she won Miss Dairy Princess of Northern Iowa" Do I really need to know that Betty collected glass bells and raced hot rods? Of course not, but it does paint a great picture of Betty.

3. Borders, gray shading, etc. Oh man, if you get some sort of border or detail around your obituary, you really made it. That is the ultimate in obituaries.

My parents live in a small town with a newspaper that regularly features great obituaries. For example, Larry Pearce, on board of directors of the water district. His obituary featured great odd details (his boy scout den mother was Norda Zamboni, wife of Zamboni Inventor Frank Zamboni) AND and gray box. Congrats Larry Pearce, you made it.

One of my other favorite things is hot jams (jamz?). So each week I'm going to feature one. This week it's....Freebird. Cliche, I know, but regardless of the number of drunk people shouting out "FREEBIRD!" at dive bar cover bands, it's one of my favorite hot jams.

For your viewing pleasure...
Skynyrd. Live. In 1977. You know it's going to be awesome. Americana at its finest. Skip to 7:00, if you just want to hear the guitar solo.

Thank you Lynyrd Skynyrd for providing the world with anywhere from 9 to 15 minutes of pure heaven. All I want in my obituary is my high school yearbook photo and the lyrics to Freebird. Oh and a nice border.


  1. I would like to know how many bells count as a collection, 2????

  2. yes 2 bells is a collection. betty was also on jeopardy...

  3. I think obituaries was a great place to start.

