Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dirt and The Distillers

This week's favorite thing is the smell of dirt. I love it. I've been trying to get various flower types to grow in my apartment (with very little luck) but I love that when I walk by I can smell the wet dirt.

I'm not sure what it is about the smell I love so much. Maybe it's just flashbacks to childhood. We always had a garden when I was growing up and I always liked digging around in there. (Until I found a worm. Worms grossed me out then and they still do now) If they made wet dirt scented candles, I would certainly buy one. (Business opportunity?!)

I love when I go home to visit my parents because the whole place is pretty much covered in dirt (although, it's really not dirt, it's decomposed granite. But I digress) and if I come home at night everything smells earthy and fabulous.

Maybe that's why I love the smell so much...It just reminds me of my various homes.

Hot jam of the week is City of Angels by The Distillers. Punk rock, pretty much as a whole, falls in the hot jam category as far as I'm concerned. Next time you hear a good punk song, try to not get up and dance. Or at least tap your foot. It's loud. It's fast. And I love it.

One of the things I like about The Distillers is the lead singer is a girl. (Brody Dalle, ex-wife of Rancid front man, Tim Armstrong. How's that for a punk rock power couple?) Any girl that can successfully join the boys' club of punk rock AND play her own guitar gets an A+ in my book. Not to mention she has a voice that you can only get from screaming to punk music your whole life.

City of Angels features lyrics like "It's a ghost town rabid underworld/Dionysian night vitriolic twilight." How many times have you heard Dionysian or vitriolic in a song? Not that many, I'm sure. 

Now get up and dance.

1 comment:

  1. I love the smell of dirt. my mom always talks about wanting a dirt scented candle, too. You should hit her up about that. And I miss rawhide ranch. And you!

