Wednesday, March 9, 2011

pie iron pizza and led zeppelin

This week's favorite thing is pie iron pizza. If you are unfamiliar with a pie iron you are missing out on one of life's great treasures. They look like this:
They can make pretty much anything you want, assuming you want it covered in white bread. (No, wheat bread is not an option. Yes, it's possible, but it's just not right.) But the all time best thing you can make in a pie iron is a pie iron pizza.

2 slices of white bread (x how many pizzas you want to make. You'll want at least 10 pizzas, I promise)
Butter (margarine, if you are feeling health conscience, I guess.)
Mozzarella cheese
Pizza sauce
Toppings (I recommend the classic pepperoni, but I won't judge if you choose something else)

Butter the bread, put it butter side out in the pie iron, add the toppings and put it in the fire. In mere minutes, you'll have the most delicious dinner of all time. If everyone ate more pie iron pizzas there would certainly be fewer problems in the world.

Hot jam of the week is Hey Hey What Can I Do by Led Zeppelin, it's raunchy and a little heartbreaking and fabulous. I love that it starts out sounding like a love song. Then, surprise! It's not. I was cooking the other night, listening to my Pandora station, as usual, when this song came on. I was vaguely singing along, not really sure why or how I knew the words, when I stopped and really listened to it. That's when I realized what a hot jam it was.

Here's Robert Plant and Jimmy Page performing it in 1995. Which is oddly the same year I was enjoying a lot of pie iron pizzas. (Thanks, Girl Scouts)

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