Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dinner Parties and The Shirelles

Okay, I know I've been really bad at updating lately. I'm sorry. I'm bad at this game.

So being that most of my friends and I live a significant distance from our families we rarely have an opportunity to attend a big, sit-down, family style dinner. To remedy this problem we have dinner parties. They're not fancy, maybe dinner get togethers is a better name, but they amazing nonetheless. There are few greater things in life than sitting around a big table with your friends and eating food everyone brought. (Usually it's a hodge podge of whatever we had at home, but it always turns out delicious.)

Last night we had a barbeque at my friend Geoff's house. He has a giant table in his backyard, perfect for dinners outside. The sun was shining, it was warm(ish), and we had tons of great food. Here are some highlights:

-Sydney nearly got her hair cut into a mullet
-Dogs running laps around the table
-Trying to figure out how to play the wedding march on 3 accordions, a pan flute, harmonicas, and a fife
-Going across the street to Casey and Kristen's to put their new tent up in the living room (and christening it with hot jams and champagne)

Girl groups of the 60s are in a class of their own. They had great hair, great costumes, and great harmonies. Not to mention their songs covered a wide range of topics, everything from love and breaking up to death. This week's hot jam is Will You Love Me Tomorrow by The Shirelles. It's a classic 60's girl group song, but it's a hot jam because it was the first ever #1 single performed by an all-girl group on the Billboard charts.

Fun Fact: By today's standards it's hardly scandalous, but at the time it did meet some trouble with radio stations for being too overtly sexual.

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