Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lent Day 44: Treat Yo Self

 I'm not an extravagant person. I will use something until it is absolutely unusable. I bring my lunch to work (almost) every day. I rarely go out to dinner. But sometimes you just need to "treat yo self."

Or you know, office supplies. socks. Hansen's Cherry Vanilla Creme soda.

I like to treat myself to small things. Today, for example, it was an Italian soda from the coffee shop across the street.

Other times, I bribe myself to get stuff done. Because being a grown up is hard. "Okay, Maggie, you can treat yo self to _______ (popsicles, beer, hot cheetos - I'm mostly motivated by food...), if you _______ (wash your hair, get the oil changed, finish your to-do list, etc)"

I think it's important to keep yourself happy. So as long as your not treating yo self out of house and home, maybe go ahead and get those 'zerts. Or take a trip to Bali. Whatever floats your boat (or bank account.)

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